INFO-ATARI16 Digest Mon, 9 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 503 Today's Topics: (no more) Portfolio info requested Atari ST Emulator for Amiga Deutsch online Federated software sales HDX Bad sector list Portable Mac vs STACY Sozobon - which version? ST->IBM PC, Floppies OK w/TOS 1.4 Were you able to extract MINIBBS.LZH ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 9 Oct 89 09:25:16 GMT From: nis!pwcs!stag!daemon@UMN-CS.CS.UMN.EDU (Kent Schumacher) Subject: (no more) Portfolio info requested [ (Michael Portuesi) writes...] > > After reading the press blurbs about the Portfolio, I've decided that > it might be what I'm looking for. Nevertheless, I would be grateful > for answers to the following questions, from somebody who knows more > about the Portfolio than I do: > I would like it if Portfolio specific issues were kept out of the ST newsgroup. I am interested in the Portfolio as far as it concerns Atari's marketing and development directions, but I am not interested in the Portfolio as a machine. - Kent Schumacher /* "A member of STdNET- */ ardvar!krs@stag.UUCP /* The ST developers network */ ------------------------------ Date: 9 Oct 89 12:37:35 GMT From:!gorn! (Bela Lubkin) Subject: Atari ST Emulator for Amiga In article <1234@sdcc13.ucsd.EDU> writes: >(From comp.sys.amiga) >In article <> (R'ykandar Korra'ti) writes: >> It's an Australian hack, boots on a 68000 or 68020, and is specifically >>public domain. It requires a bootable TOS disk to get started - I presume >>this includes TOSbench, or whatever they call it. (TOS disks can be purchased >>from local Atari dealers, if you've got one.) It will, according to its doc >>file, boot most game floppies as well. > >Atari, what is your comment on this? I wonder how can TOS be sold >on disk to non-Atari owners? This is certainly no worse than ST or Amiga owners buying Macintosh ROMs for Spectre or Amax. What makes the ST specially inviolate? However, there hasn't yet been any evidence that this ST emulator for the Amiga actually exists, anyway... Bela Lubkin * * // CompuServe: 73047,1112 @ * * // ....ucbvax!ucscc!gorn!filbo ~~~-VERY slow [months] R Pentomino * \X/ Filbo @ Pyrzqxgl +408-476-4633 & XBBS +408-476-4945 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 09 Oct 89 08:58:26 EDT From: David Megginson Subject: Deutsch online A friend of mine, a fellow Old English scholar and ST user, has asked me if there is an online German dictionary available for the ST. She would be interested in either a desk-accessory (to run inside her wordprocessor), or a separate application (not as useful). This would have to be, of course, a German/English dictionary, although a purely German dictionary might be helpful. She is also interested in any software that will help her learn German. I have seen a program to teach Spanish verbs, but nothing for German so far. I look forward to hearing from the large German ST user base. Please reply directly to me, since I am not actually on Usenet. BITNET: ------------------------------ Date: 09 OCT 89 08:14:55 CST From: Z4648252 Subject: Federated software sales I'm not sure if this is old news or not, but it may be of benefit for those who do not know. The Federated stores in the Houston area are running some incredible sales on ST software. I managed to pick up the entire INFOCOM series for the ST at $1.96/package. Note that the articles for sale are in the older boxes, that is, the good ones (!). For example, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is in the large box, complete with Fluff, sunshades, "Don't Panic button, etc. These are not in any of the newer packages. I was also able to find a lot of older and GOOD software that is no longer made for the ST. Sort of sad, like reading a time capsule's contents. These even had warranty cards for them. Lots of Holms and Duckworth utility programs.... Lots of software of the 1986 era, also, when things were exciting for the ST at the local market. At any rate, all appear to be new boxes, in other words, not rewrapped or reshrink-wrapped. All were cheap. I blew $26.00 on twelve pieces of software. So, if there are any Federated in your area, you might check them out. We went to this particular Federated by sheer accident not knowing that it was holding the clear-out sale. Larry Rymal: |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| ------------------------------ Date: 9 Oct 89 10:57:50 GMT From: eru!luth!sunic!ifi!! (Tomas Felner) Subject: HDX Bad sector list BILL_FOSTER@bdt.UUCP writes: >I have written a Hard Disc Scan program called scan.arc and uploaded it >to gEnie. If you run this just after formatting the drive you shouldn't >have any more problems with read or write errors... That's exactly what I need. But I don't have access to GENIE. Can you post it here (or rather to the binaries group) ? -- Tomas Felner Modula-2 CASE Systems AS | Internet: Maridalsveien 139 | Phone: +47 2 379784 N-0461 Oslo 4, Norway | FAX: +47 2 356448 ------------------------------ Date: 9 Oct 89 14:18:48 GMT From: (Mike Matthews) Subject: Portable Mac vs STACY Er, the STacy isn't vaporware. Saw a Stacy4 (4 meg STacy) at the WAACE AtariFest 89, running Spectre GCR. It also had an internal hard drive, but I don't know what size it is/was. Mike Matthews ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 OCT 89 11:23:32 BST From: Subject: Sozobon - which version? A quickie: what's the latest version of Sozobon I should be looking for? I've got a bugfix for hcc v1.01, but I don't want to waste my breath if this is history. ------------------------------ Date: 9 Oct 89 07:22:56 GMT From: eru!luth!sunic!tut!ra!chyde! (Harri Valkama LAKE) Subject: ST->IBM PC, Floppies OK w/TOS 1.4 In article <> (Howard Chu) writes: >In article <18093@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU> soohoo@cory.Berkeley.EDU (Ken "nmi" Soohoo) writes: >Too bad PCs can't read disks formatted for 10 sectors per track. I thought >that was what the silly BIOS parameter block was for, but DOS is too stupid >to understand what's written there... But yeah, it's handy to get 720K at >a shot. I think there is one possible way worth trying this. There is a program called FDFORMT2 for PC that allows one format a disk with many various parameters. And this program comes with memory resident program that allows (certifies) a machine to read such disks. I have successfully format in my AT with this program normal 360K floppys to 832K and 1.2M disks to 1.49M. You can find this program with ftp from address below. -- Harri Valkama : email: (internet) Computer Centre, University of Vaasa : P.O.BOX 700 : voice: +358 61 248426 SF-65101 VAASA FINLAND : site: ------------------------------ Date: 8 Oct 89 09:25:34 GMT From: eru!luth!sunic!tut!ra!chyde! (Harri Valkama LAKE) Subject: Were you able to extract MINIBBS.LZH ? In article <9598@attctc.Dallas.TX.US> chasm@attctc.Dallas.TX.US (Charles Marslett) writes: >In article <>, (L.J.Dickey) writes: >And MINIBBS.LZH also failed to extract on a PC with the original LHARC -- >I think it was either archived with a non-standard LHARC or it lost >something in the posting. I think your Lharc needs updating. I extracted this file without problems in my PC/At with Lharc v1.13c. Perhaps this same is to Atari. I remember there are two versions of Lharc to Atari as well. -- Harri Valkama : email: (internet) Computer Centre, University of Vaasa : P.O.BOX 700 : voice: +358 61 248426 SF-65101 VAASA FINLAND : site: ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #503 *****************************************